Monday, April 20, 2015


You might be worried about what friends and relatives will think of you if you file for bankruptcy protection.  You can relax.  Your friends and relatives want what is best for you.  For example, one of my clients was borrowing heavily from his parents in order to keep up with his credit card debt.  His brother suggested to him that it would be better to file bankruptcy and eliminate his credit card debt, instead of borrowing money from his parents that he might never be able to repay.  He filed a bankruptcy case and eliminated all of his credit card debt.  He didn't lose anything that he owned.  He had a lot of fears about bankruptcy that all turned out to be false. 

Many of my clients are referred to me by concerned friends and relatives.  I have had parents bring me their sons and daughters. I have had sons and daughters bring their parents. Sometimes its hard to see a solution when debt problems mount.  The worry and stress can paralyze you.  A concerned friend or relative can sometimes take a more detached view and help you see that there can be a reasonable solution.   Many times, the solution is bankruptcy. Don't let fear stop you from solving your debt problems.